Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lower Your Chances of Developing Diabetes

As Featured On EzineArticles

Many people believe that they will not get diabetes because no one else in their family has, but that is not how it really works.  The life that you live plays a major role in developing diabetes.  If you want to be active in preventing diabetes from affecting your life you need to live a healthy lifestyle.  Keep reading this article so that you can learn about the specific steps you need to take to have the best chance of not getting diabetes.

Stay away from sugary foods.  Sugar is the number one culprit when it comes to diabetes.  Taking in too much sugar throughout your life can put your pancreas under a great deal of stress.  If this stress leads to damage, then your pancreas can slow or stop its production of insulin, which is needed to properly regulate your blood sugar levels.  If you want to avoid this you can do a lot by reducing your sugar intake.  Avoid all products that have a high sugar concentration, like soda, candy and other treats.  You should also try to avoid high fructose corn syrup as often as you can.  many processed foods contain it, even though it is not necessary.  If you follow these rules your body will certainly thank you for it.

Do not drink alcohol in excess.  Having a beer from time to time is perfectly fine, but excess alcohol consumption can quickly lead to diabetes.  This is because alcohol contains a lot of sugar.  Additionally, excess consumption can directly damage the organs that are responsible for regulating your sugar levels.  If, at any time you feel that you have a problem with alcohol you should seek help immediately.  There is hope, do not let alcohol damage your body and mind.

Live an active lifestyle.  Of course we all know that exercise is good for you, but doctors aren't exactly sure why it can mean such a difference for those that are at risk of developing diabetes.  One theory is that people benefit so much because they are keeping their circulatory system in shape.  As you may know, as diabetes progresses it can lead to the loss of your feet or legs due to poor circulation or infection.  Another reason, that is known, is that you are less likely to be obese, which is a huge cause of diabetes.  As long as you do all that you can to stay active and you will be far less likely to develop this horrible disease.  Keep this tip in mind everyday and you will be happy with the results.

As you read at the start of this article, diabetes is not something that is only caused by bad genetics.  many people live their life in such a way as to almost make it inevitable that they will eventually get diabetes.  Luckily for you, you now know that your lifestyle does influence what you risk is, and have the tips that you need to move in the right direction to lowering your risk.

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