· Whole Wheat flour.
· 1/3 Sugar.
· 2 Teaspoons baking apaowder
· 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.
· 1/3 Teaspoon Salt.
· 2 Cups buttermilk.
· 2-3 Eggs.
· 1/3 cup melted margarine.
· 175 Gram Blueberries.
How to Cook:
Blend flour, salt, baking soda and sugar and put in a bowl, while in another bowl mix buttermilk and eggs; then mix all together; add butter and blueberry and stir.
Pour the mixture to non-stick pan at medium heat; cook for about 2-3 minutes then turn it over and cook additionally for 1 minute until slightly golden. Keep the meal warm until time of consuming.