Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why is Losing Weight Such A Hard Thing To Do?

As Featured On EzineArticles

There are a million reasons for you to lose weight, and you obviously have taken account of those reasons or you wouldn't be trying to lose weight in the first place. The problem is that even though you know you want to lose weight, you can't seem to do it. It is very hard! The only solace you can take is that it is hard for everybody, not just you. If you want to know why weight loss is so difficult, this article will give you a couple reasons.
Weight loss is hard because it requires you not just to diet but to change your attitude about food. A diet is just a temporary thing, meant for people who are a certain weight but want to lose a couple pounds to fit into a dress or look their best for a special occasion and then go back to their normal eating habits. If your aim is to lose weight and keep it off for the long term, you need to change your attitude about food. Changing anything about yourself and your personality is going to be extremely hard and require constant effort until it becomes habit.
Weight loss is hard because it requires that constant effort just mentioned. It is easy to diet, and losing a couple pounds keeps you motivated, but to stay true to new healthy eating habits requires you to find motivations that are not registered on the scale. If you are not constantly shedding pounds, you need to find other sources of motivation, and that is a very difficult thing to do.
Weight loss is hard because it requires you to be patient. If you want to lose 50 pounds, you have to start with losing one or two pounds a week. This makes you feel like you are never going to get to your goal, so it is easy to give up. In order to lose weight permanently, you have to be patient and make you commitment to the lifestyle, not to the reward of losing weight.
Weight loss is hard because it requires you to start new habits like working out. You may never have done this before, and now you are thrust into a work out routine. It is a strange and foreign thing, and you have to do it to lose it. 
Weight loss is hard because it requires you to give up the unhealthy habits you love so much. Whether it be hot wings or ice cream, those things you loved need to be enjoyed far fewer times in your new lifestyle. Sacrifice is hard.
Because of all these factors and others, weight loss is a very difficult thing. The truth of the matter is that even though it may seem like the most difficult thing you have ever done, the rewards are worth the sacrifice. You will live a longer and healthier life, and that life will be filled with more exciting things than it would have been otherwise. Remember that other people have done this before you, and no one else is any stronger than you are!

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