Friday, May 11, 2012

How To Help Your Child Lose Weight And Get Healthy

In today's modern world, more children are overweight than ever before. The obesity rates for children have skyrocketed and it has become an epidemic. Being overweight as a child can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, joint issues and a myriad number of other health problems. The digital era that we live in, which emphasizes television, computers, video games and texting, has caused kids to spend a huge portion of their dare sitting down in front of a screen indoors, rather than going outside and playing. The unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits that your child develops may stay with him or her for the remainder of his or her life. It is vitally important that you teach your kids healthy eating and exercise habits. The information contained in this article will help you help your child to lose weight and get fit and healthy.
The most important thing is that you do not verbally attack or insult your child. Name calling and meanness does not solve anything. If you mentally abuse your child because of his or her weight, not only is he or she unlikely to lose weight, but he or she will probably develop serious self-esteem issues. If your child is overweight you must stay positive and avoid being overly critical.
As a parent, you are responsible for the food in the house. Throw out all of the junk food in the kitchen. Get rid of sweets, candies, potato chips and other unhealthy snacks. Throw out any soda pop that is in the fridge. Buy lots of healthy fruits and vegetables along with healthy snacks like almonds and all-natural peanut butter.
Encourage your child to exercise by enrolling him or her in a fun athletic program. Basketball, tennis, martial arts, swimming, gymnastics, baseball, flag-football and soccer are just a few of the many athletic activities that your child may enjoy participating in. Do not force your child to participate in an event that he or she is uninterested in. Instead, talk to your child and find an activity that he or she will enjoy.

Limit the amount of time that your child is allowed to play video games. Setting a specific limit to the time your kid is allowed to play with video games or use the computer will keep your child from becoming too sedentary and developing bad lifestyle habits.
Play with your kids. Take your kids out to a park, go for a bike ride with them, take them to the beach for a swim, run around in the snow with them or simply take them out for a nice walk. As a parent it is your responsibility to make time for your children. Instead of simply watching TV with your kids or taking them to a movie, do something that involves physical activity.
Your kids look at you as a role model. If you are healthy, fit and active, it is likely that your kids will follow in your footsteps. So, for the sake of your children, as well as for your own health, live an active lifestyle and eat a healthy diet.
Use the information in this article to take an active role in your child's life and help him or her lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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