Saturday, December 1, 2012

Weight Loss: Tips For Succeeding

As Featured On EzineArticles

If you are wanting to lose weight, then congratulations! Realize that you are going to be changing your body, health and mind. However, if you want to succeed in this goal, you are going to need a little help. The below article provides excellent tips to assist you in your weight-loss goal.
First, you need to come up with an actual plan. Map out your workout day by day, and never stray from them. Whenever you do a workout, mark it off on your calendar, and make a note about how you felt during the workout. If you are lifting weights, you should write down the number of sets and repetitions you do, as well as the amount of weight that you lift for each set. If you do not have a workout plan in place, you cannot expect to stick to your workouts for the long haul. Having a plan in place will keep you on track.
Not only should you plan your workouts, you should also plan what you are eating. Write down the food that you eat, how much you eat and the amount of calories you eat daily into a food journal. By doing this, you can discover just how many calories are being consumed. The truth may surprise you. You may believe that you are only consuming 1500 calories per day, but you could discover that your actual intake is almost twice that. This makes it extremely difficult to lose weight. Therefore, having this journal really helps.
If you find it difficult to lose weight on your own, have a friend or family member be your motivational partner. Have them keep you accountable each and every day. If possible, have them work out with you so that you are much less likely to skip a workout. Weight-loss research has proven that people trying to lose weight are much more likely to succeed if they have a motivational partner.
Make sure you drink lots of water. The importance of drinking water cannot be stressed enough. It can not only help clear your skin, but it can also help you lose weight. Water contains no calories, and it is a beverage that our body needs in order to operate correctly. In addition, drinking water before your meals prevent you from overeating during mealtime because your stomach is being filled with water. Drink at least eight glasses of water each day.
Finally, try eating your meals very slow. It takes your stomach some time for it to tell your brain that it's full. Therefore, if you practically swallow your food, you are much more likely to overeat. Eating slower will help you eat less. In order to eat slower, consciously chew each bite many times before you swallow. If it helps, tell yourself you will chew a certain number of times, and count, or you could drink a little water after every single bite. Although this can be very annoying at first, you will soon discover that this becomes habit, and you will be doing it subconsciously. This will certainly cause you to consume less calories during your meal, and as a result, you will lose weight.
In order to succeed with weight loss, having the right knowledge and mindset is crucial. Now that you are armed with these great tips, you are certain to succeed in your goals.

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