Friday, June 1, 2012

Putting Your Weight Loss Goals Into Real Life Action

As Featured On EzineArticles 

Most people have some idea in their heads of how they could improve, especially when it comes to weight loss. Stop daydreaming about the positive changes you want to make in your life with your body, and put them into action! The following article will outline examples of what you should be doing to make your visions of weight loss a fantastic reality.
 1- Know that you are healthy enough to kick off a commitment to exercise Your first order of business is to have your body preapproved for working out and a change of diet. Although you consider these changes to be positive, necessary and obvious, your doctor may think otherwise. Nearly all people will be told by their doctor that such a         program is exactly what they need, and most likely you will get the go-ahead too but check first just to be on the safe side.                             
2- Establish a strategy. Create your routine, with all of your habits, quirks and handicaps in mind. Design it to be effective in terms of your overall goals, but also make sure that it is doable for you personally. Include a variety of activities that work different parts of your body while supporting both your cardiovascular and muscular systems. Keep it interesting, adding music and a change of scenery to keep you going strong. Use pools, the ocean, running trails or tracks, a high school blacktop, local YMCA or your own backyard.
3- Support the program with healthy eating. Although it is technically feasible to lose weight with a workout alone, you want to change the way you eat to maximize your weight loss efforts and add to your overall health. Don't ever think, "I can just run an extra mile to work off these Twinkies." Let your diet and exercise efforts complement each other and work cooperatively for your greater good.
4. Stay motivated. Many people find that working out or committing to a diet goes better with a friend, and you may find this a good factor of motivation as well. Make sure that the program you have laid out is suitable to your schedule, lifestyle and the resources you have at your disposal. Motivation is the key to long term success, so give yourself no reason for excuses!
5. Evaluate your success and modify details as necessary. Wait a month or so before analyzing the results. You have committed to major changes which will probably take a few weeks to produce results. Your entire lifestyle has been reformed and geared towards a better, healthier body. This alone is success! Once you physically feel the benefits, such as more energy and a slightly smaller waistline, go ahead and step on the scale or try on your favorite pair of jeans. Elaborate on the positive changes you see and keep working toward healthy, life-changing goals.
Different approaches, workouts and strategies will lead different people to successful results. Mix it up, try it out and change it up as necessary to accomplish your weight loss goals. You know it's never going to happen through wishful thinking, so formulate a plan and put it into action soon for a healthier, hotter and happier you

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